Shigeru Kawai SK3. Passion:
Shigeru Kawai SK3. The passion for excellence lives deeply in the heart of each shigeru artisan.
The love of making music flows deeply in those who pursue the respected range of master piano artisan.
Time has a little relevance in the creation of a shigeru kawai. there is no hurry to finish it. there is no pressure as to limits of delivery.
The ability to select the appropriate wood, the class that may express in every language an emotion from the stronger fertilizer to the most soft whistles of a tone, is an art in himself.
Matured harmonic covers: Kigarashi
(All natural drying of wood) the specially fitted top on a shigeru piano is made of the best spruce, matured by the traditional kigarashi method which uses only the forces of time and nature to allow the wood to reach a state of natural balance. It is the duration of this meticulous process that gives the shigeru pianos their quality and unique tonal richness.